The Two Week Wait… What To Do In-between Bed Bug services.

The waiting can be a very stressful time for anyone undergoing treatments for bed bugs. The most important thing you can do is stay where you are and be patient. Do not start sleeping on the couch, or in a different bed. Doing so will only spread the infestation. The bed bugs will only follow you and infest other possible untreated places. By sleeping in your own room and in your own bed you are forcing the bed bugs to come back up the treated bed posts or walk along the chemical laid down to get to you, thus poisoning them and making the treatment effective. Sorry but you are bait.

Keep using hot water to launder bedding, towels, and clothes. Also remember to dry your clothing under high temperatures. Continuous treatment of clothing and linens commonly used cuts down re-infestation. Any items that have not been used but have previously been treated prior to treatment, leave them in a garbage bag or air tight sealed containers. You do not want to create more hiding spaces for bed bugs.

When cleaning, do not wash off chemical. I know this can be hard but sweep, vacuum, or mop at least 6 inches away from baseboards and anything that has been sprayed. Take a break from cleaning at least for a couple days. After that feel free to vacuum and sweep.

Please do not panic. Being bitten after your first treatment is completely normal. In fact it might be more frequent because they will be disoriented from the chemical procedure. We are always here to answer any questions you may have before and in between bed bug treatments.

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